Thursday, March 19, 2009

Make your own Kaleidoscope, it's all in how you see it.

Feeling broke sucks.  Yes, indeed, it truly sucks to feel financially strapped and to not know how you're going to find your way out of the confusion that being broke makes you feel like.

Like many of you I too have had the security of an equity line from the bank.  Enabling me to feel secure that rain or shine I will always be fine.  But what happens when the very bank you go to has gone BROKE?  This in fact happened to me!  I have always had the security of my equity line being there for me.  But what happens when your bank fails?  Who could have imagined such a thing as that?  It kind of feels like I have just awakened from a deep sleep where nothing appears to be the same anymore.  Are you feeling scared or worried that something you could not have foreseen nor plan for may actually happen?  Are you one of the lucky ones who has had nothing change in their life?  Or are you like me and have had nearly everything change in their life?  All we want to do is yell for help but then nothing comes out.   

Until 6 months ago, I could not fathom the idea of my equity line going bust and leaving me with only questions of What Do I Do Now? 

Now is the time when I need to pick myself up by the boot straps , dust myself off and say 'okay well I'm alive and I'm not going hungry, I will be okay.'  When it comes to thinking about worry and the toll it takes on you I like to remind myself of a scripture in the Bible that says, 'Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.'  

A thought for today, Worry is like a rocking chair, it is something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere.  So the bottom line is that we all need to slow down and take care of the things that we can and let the rest go.   The only thing that I know for sure is that the real treasures are the ones you cannot buy.  The real treasures in fact are found in the simple things. It's not how it appears it is how you think about it that determines the outcome.  Always remember to think positively because it really works.  I look at it as though life is like a kaleidoscope.  If you turn the kaleidoscope this way or that way, each turn gives you a whole different look.  Life is what you make of it.


1 comment:

Portal das assinaturas said...

Passei para conhecer.