Sunday, May 12, 2013

Passing the Batton...

Children are our link to the future, for it is thru them that we live on forever.
Today is may 12, 2013. It has been a joyous day where my Malia love made me breakfast (no less than fresh blueberry pancakes.) She knows what Mom loves.  in turn, I love Malia with all my heart and soul from this day and forever ~n ever n~ever, Amen.
Of course Matthew arrived on Maui by way of Oahu, and there is nothing more special than the love passed on from Mother to son as he is my heart. Matthew Keale Latimer Brock is my first born child and he represents all the blessings that I was afraid to ask for.  My Father was always wanting as son. Matthew represents the strength of character and goodwill toward all people. Keale is my favorite color as it is exactly where the wave breaks, that beautiful neon green, the crest of the wave. He has vibrant green eyes; some might think of them as being magical.
Mother Theresa says we must never kill what God has put in our womb.

Mother Teresa quoted some beautiful language for us all. she said:
 Mother Teresa quotes 
I am the fruition of the strength that came down the line from my mother from my mothers mother. I choose to pass on the torch of strength from my mother's mother to my mother, to me, and on to my daughter.
My Mom is 88 and doing great. She is so like her mother, my grandmother in that she thinks young. My grandmother used to talk about Sex with me. When I was in trouble with a rash and controlling man. My grandmother came to my rescue and let me know I was loved and honored, and that meant the world to me at that moment in time , for me in a way I shall never forget.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

At this moment in time we are doing our Absolute Best.

Do not judge less we be judged. 

Everyone is essentially already doing their best. Although there are those who choose to walk a different path, but in that they are still trying to do their best within who they are. Clearly their best may not be thought of by others, but they think  it , for instance there are those who don't realize what they are doing, and the effect that it is having on people around them. At present we are doing our absolute best with all that we know. We need to understand where they are coming from.

I believe that people are already doing their best with all that they know at this point in time, Clearly we can make know our opinions of what they are doing. What really counts is what they feel that they are doing.
The bottom line:
We are continually doing our best with the sum total of our life experiences.
All the rest of it is a bunch of fluff.
People like to tell others how they should feel; if what they are doing is right or wrong. If we look at it in a positive light, that everybody is already doing their best, then we can honor People for what they are already achieving
 If people are being honored for who they are, and how they believe, then the world might be a kinder, more gentle place to be. Negative gossip undermines, causing one to feel less than they are. While healthy  gossip in and of itself is human nature. We are always seeking approval. Where it gets tangled up is when negativity seeks its self. Intentionally derogatory comments kill the human spirit. We just need to understand that everybody is already doing their best. Simplicity is bliss.
Be at peace with ourselves.