Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If the Truth Be Told

I like it when people say what they mean, mean what they say, and are capable of being honest to the bone.

I'm thinking about people who have an honor disability - they say they will do things, yet those things never come to pass.

This is something that drives me crazy, because I believe that above everything else we must have an air and a distinction of believability and a genuine loving and caring for all people, regardless of who they are. I believe that without those traits, who are they? I really don't know. It is very difficult for me to name those individuals as they don't seem to know who they are themselves. I wish that they would get out of the road, as they're taking up too much space. Additionally, I believe that those individuals essentially make me feel less jolly and instead they bring me to a place of utter frustration and ultimately a lack of understanding of who they are trying to be. The price that they are charging is too expensive for all of us and I basically feel the need for those individuals to smarten up and be who they say they are and really mean it!

They should just not say they are going to do something, if they are not going to do it. We all need to be at peace with each other, find the good things about each other and state them honestly. Being honest with ourselves and with each other is a good place to start.

When I say that I love, I mean it to the "n"th degree. When I love, I love clearly and deeply and I hope that I will always be able to speak frankly and honestly - to those ears who will listen and understand.

To all of those people who are listening to me this day, I wish you love, honor, believability and ultimately the greatest happiness of all: to love and be loved.

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