Sunday, September 23, 2012

While listening to the sounds of music…

I became nourished in a way that I did not expect. I came to the realization that music truly is food for the soul. Music can either lighten the spirit or dampen the darkest of days. There are various types of music from reggae to soft rock to classic, each one addresses a different aspect of our emotional needs. 

Melancholy music can be sad, yet beautiful in its own right. Melancholy music is poetic and has it's own creative license. The most melancholy music can also be the most majestic. It reminds me of the mantra my friend once told me: "There is beauty in the pain".  Sometimes the emotional pain we all have to go through produces in us the capacity for gentleness, serenity, sweetness, and tenderness.  We need only remember to look for the beauty within the pain. 

Music can be a spiritual nutrient.  Sometimes it feels like we undergo times of spiritual famine.  In these moments of famine it might be wise to know from where one's spiritual sustenance comes. Music can be the most wondrous food to nourish the mind, body and soul. Music lifts you up and carries you away into a distant land where rhythms are butterflies and songs are the voices of angels. Like veins bring in oxygen and take away the toxins, music brings in light and dispels the darkness. 

With the wings of an angel, we bid you adieu


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