Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happiness in times of great catastophes

. . . Yes! And I'm doing far better since that blasted accident where I just about broke nearly every bone in my face. Or, maybe just my zygomatic arch . . .

Recently we witnessed the earthquake in Haiti. The incredible amount of pain and suffering that the people of Haiti have had to endure, most of us have no conception of. Nor can we conceive of the kind of poverty that these people live in. Is it possible the Haitian government is negligent in allowing builders to disregard building codes? That would have helped an entire nation, as far as I see it, yet they didn't appear to have that going for them either. What is going on with the building codes in this day and age? The answer to the question is, there are no building codes for people who are suffering so without a government to enforce the rules and regulations for people who are groveling in such poverty. I pray for them most days, and have sent funds their way. I know many others have done the same, and I salute everyone who has aided them in their plight.

Additionally, what's to become of the impoverished people of South America? Apparently they do follow many of the proper building codes in Chile, but there's a lot of improvement to be done to help the poorest among them. Right now in our world there is an insane amount of ever widening poverty. The world economy is a global issue literally circumnavigating the planet, and at times I carry a heavy heart because of the unfathomable amount of people who suffer on such a grand scale. People who have been doing it so hard and for so long that I believe we could all do a little bit more to help in their regard.

With the theory of relativity in mind, I know that we can make a difference for all people great and small.

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