Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thankful for My Wonderful Friend, Lotus

At this time, I am still reflecting upon Thanksgiving and what it was and is and in fact; hopefully will always be present in your mind.  

The presence of being thankful is an ongoing attitude that I believe when we can adopt that mode of thankfulness it can bring so much joy to those around us and decidedly to ourselves.  After all, it is WE that need the thanksgiving spirit; because it's only when you give that you receive.  

I have a dear friend, who I endearingly call Lotus that has been kind of a mentor of mine.  She has the ability to be thankful for nearly everything in life, mind you it is not an always thing, but it is truly an attitude that brings her so much joy that she cannot help but attract many people into her sphere; just by being that way inclined.  

This dear friend I have come to know extremely well.  We have an incredible relationship that has spiraled into something that brings both of us into lovely and deep conversation, which I enjoy greatly.

I am ever so thankful to have my friend Lotus in my life.  And, I believe that she is thankful to have me, her Lilikoi in her life.  We are a wonderful and fulfilling duo!

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