Sunday, September 2, 2012

Beauty in Pain

Oh happy day
i love it when things are going my way!

yet my fingers my toes have become my many woes
they do not thank but instead they challenge 
my very sense of well-being

this pain, this old nemesis of mine
it no longer arises as it remains a constant
it never leaves this friend of mine, this unholy friend
this terror never leaves 

if the absence of pain makes a good life 
i pray to God that the pain will end

we must take what life gives us 
turning its lemons into lemonade 

where does your paradise lay?
is it lost or is it merely hiding in the fray? 

alway return to the golden flower bed of HAPPINESS, 
just ask and she will gently whisper in return 
that there is always beauty within the pain 

there is always beauty in the pain 
listen for it,
it is there 
keep listening 
you will hear her sing a light tune
there is always beauty in the pain
there is always beauty in the pain 
there is always beauty in the pain 

With my warmest Aloha, 

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