Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beatlemania at its Finest !?

Truly something incredible about the Beatles is not only their lyrics, musics, or interesting ensemble of musicians. One inescapable fact about the Beatles is their phenemonial success as a band. They  are listed in Rolling Stones' magazine as the #1 greatest band of all time. This is no small feat.  An enigmatic question is Why? Why were the Beatles such a great success? They are forever written in the book of time and have been a sensation for decades. I do not envision that changing, either. Was it the marketing strategies that made the Beatles flourish? Perhaps it was the time that they arived to the scene?  During these pivotal times of social unrest due to the Vietnam War and the civil movements, The Beatles had a message about peace and opening one's mind to new ways of thinking. For example, in the song entitled "Revolution 1", it says " You say you'll change the constitution, well, you know, we all want to change your head, You tell me it's the institution, well, you know, you better free your mind instead".

People were just beginning to move past the horrors of the Vietnam. This was a time of great social revolution, and the Beatles arrived at the scene just in time to soothe the wounds of social heartache. The Beatles creative spark left a wave of impact throughout the western world, and western consciousness. They had a message of peace and love, and that was exactly what the world needed at the time. Today, the youth perhaps look towards the Beatles as a reassurance that there was once a time, a place, a moment in history, where peace, hope and love dwelled.

The Beatles appeared to be the Be all, end all, of music according to young listeners. I didn't really know anything about music other than the Beatles. I was not drawn to the Beatles for their music alone, but more so about the culture that their music brought forth. The Beatles were not solely music. But they were, in fact, a huge entity describing the times and events unfolding. The Beatles, in my young mind, would last forever. The Beatles were my Reality, both culturally and musically.

I remember growing up and witnessing the crazy hysteria that the television stations promoted surrounding the Beatles concert. We all bought into this hysteria. Girls were screaming and weeping at the knowledge that the Beatles were playing the Cow Palace nearby.  I would have down anything to be able to attend this concert. However, my mother nixed the idea as I was too young. My sister who was five years older than I was allowed to attend, which I found to be so grossly unfair. My parents did not allow me to see the Beatles concert and that was an offense larger than any. I stayed home that night and cried myself to sleep.

Another memory I have from my adolecense is regarding the controversy that John Lennon found himself entwined in. John Lennon made a remark that said "We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first, rock 'n' roll or Christianity." I wasn't really offended by his comment at the time, thinking "it is no big deal".  I thought his comment was interesting, but I hadn't really thought of christianity and myself being attached at all. Not until many years later had i thought that perhaps his wording was incorrect. Now, as an adult, I realize that his comments were extremely outlandish. As a Christian, I understand now why it caused the controversy that it did.  In spite of the controversies, populations still adore the Beatles. Through good times and bad, the Beatles left a profound legacy that most appreciate to this day.

A Hui Hou and with my warmest Aloha,

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