I went to see the fabulous Journey concert, and OH MY they are amazing. If you get a chance to go to one of their concerts, I highly recommend it. One little tip is to make sure you wear ear plugs if you are at all sensitive to loud noice because WOW it is loud but it is also awesome. They play so loudly that I cant go without wearing them. I rate their concert as an A-. The only reason for the - is because the extraordinary loud music they have. Other than that, it really made me feel like I was 20 all over again. I had a blast!
Thought for the moment * In reference to thinking about age. It's a funny thing thinking about what age you are at any given time because some people tend to have an opinion as to what one should have accomplished at any given point. The difference between who I am now and what I was 5 or 10 years ago is merely that I have just been on this planet a little bit longer or shorter. Even though I have been through what seems like about 10 wars , with all the appropriate scars to manifest those years. I can honestly say that you really are as old as you feel. Thus I believe in setting my heart free and doing a dance that says, thank you God, for this magnificent time you have given me in which to either laugh and play or quietly reflect on where I am right now. That is hopefully in a space where I grab a moment and kind of do a snap shot of the moment. So within that snap shot I realize that this moment in time is perfect and I am exactly where I want to be. In other words if I had a choice to be anywhere else in the world if I could, I would be right here, right now. That to me is bliss.
That is how I felt when I was dancing at the Journey concert. It was utter bliss.
I have had an incredible amount of those moments where I afore mentioned. In that I feel very lucky. At the same time my mind can easily crawl into another head space; one that ponders the idea of maybe I should be doing something more. Or I could be doing something different and thereby causing me to think far too much instead of the age old saying, 'just be here now'.
As the old saying goes, life is what you make it. If you think that you are going to have a struggle, then most likely you will have a struggle. Conversely if you think something is funny and worthy of laughter, it probably is. Its all in what you make of it.
These words are easy for me to say and they can be very difficult to do. I want to say quite honestly, while I know what I should be thinking and feeling, I too am an imperfect person merely trying to do my best and thereby, offering you my friend, some words you might jive with. And so for now I am wishing you Aloha and all good things. :)
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