Thursday, March 5, 2009

Favorite Quote From the Bible - Philip. 4:6

"Do not be anxious about anything"~ Philippians 4:6

Probably my favorite verse in the Bible is so wonderfully correct, at least for my life that is.  We pretty much all know that stress is the antithesis to good health.  What I mean to say to make it even clearer is that I have found in my life that stress is like a robber of joy, its like it squeezes all the happiness from you and in its wake it leaves you feeling weary and mentally broke.  

In these days of doubt and worry over the economy, I think we all need a little uplift.  This is why I want to offer these simple words to you from my favorite quote in the Bible.  The scripture continues, " But in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds."  

I personally am experiencing a substantial amount of difficulties in this semi recession-depression myself. It is scary and yet I know that if I keep my heart and mind on the delightful lightheartedness that surrounds us we can overcome the fear.   I think that we need to control our thoughts and concentrate on the funniest thing you can recall or perhaps it's the most lovely memories you can think of.  Think on these things and I will be sending you as my beloved readers much Aloha and supreme joy.  

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