There is a subject that I would like to speak about, although it is very difficult for me personally. It is on the topic of pain and the torture that I suffer from it daily and sometimes even hourly. Pain in essence is debilitating. It is difficult for me to write about as I have to deal with pain in such a way that at times it seems as if it is screaming at me. The pain for me is located in my feet and it so loud it is as though someone is screaming in my ear although it is silent. I was so uncomfortable last night I was in tears for hours. My supposition is that it is a very difficult topic for many of my readers out there. I can only imagine that there might be others that also suffer from the dregs of pain and that there are hundreds in my audience that are going through the absolute endurance from the insidious diseases and such that cause misery in all kinds of ways. In essence, I write this to you because I know that there must be quite a few of you that suffer from some similar kind of struggle.
My mission in this Blog that I write for you has a lot to do with the title of my blog which is: iamdelighted. And true it is that I am delighted for so many reasons in spite of the pain. And here are a few of those reasons: the taste of chocolate ice cream, the scent of a gorgeous gardenia flower, the sound of children's laughter, the feel of my luxurious blanket that keeps me warm, the memories of the first time eating cotton candy or the bliss of your first kiss (hopefully it went well☺), the companionship of a loyal pet, the feeling of freshly brushed teeth, the gift of fruit fresh from the garden, enjoying a great movie and feeling loved just for being you. My prayer for you on this day is that you will experience some (or at least one) of these gifts today or one day very soon. God Bless you and Aloha Nui Loa and Hui Ho, Tara
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