Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Dream Catcher

Today is Wednesday afternoon, Blog Day! However, due to the exhaustion I felt from having recently broken my leg, I drifted off to sleep when my dear, dear friend who helps me write my blogs arrived. It was as though she passed me in her dreamlike state and this is what her dream sounded like to me.

A man, his daughter and a few of her friends were swimming in the ocean off the coast of New Zealand when they noticed there were quite a few dophins in the area - in fact, there were at least six or seven - six or seven really, really big dolphins who were circling around them in tight circles while they continually flapped their tails. They worked their circle tighter and tighter, packing them together as they drifted down towards the beach. The girls began freaking out - the father broke free from the dolphin circle to see what was going on. A large dolphin came swimming after him but suddenly submerged itself and that's when they saw the large grey object swim around them - a great white shark! The dolphins went into a high state of agitation and herded the father and the girls into a tighter circle and continued to circle around them for another 20 minutes or so, until the shark finally swam away.

What my friend realized was that she, as I, was in somewhat of a dreamstate herself - I was asleep in my dreamworld - she was reading an almost surreal story of her own.

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