Friday, April 2, 2010

The Positive Effects of Negative Ions

What most of us don't know is about the positive effects from the negative ion charges that we are surrounded by every day. Negative ion charges are amazing.

The importance of negative ion charges to a healthy, happy body are incredibly important to know and understand. For instance, if one understands why they feel so invigorated when they spend time in the mountains or at the beach, that is just the beginning of the story. The story continues whereby the negative ion charges continue to invigorate people when they are surrounded by a natural environment. For instance, these areas would include beaches, forests, areas of rapid water movement such as rivers, streams, oceans, and waterfalls, as well as areas that experience thunderstorms and lightening.

Did you know that the negative ion charges created by the rapid movement of water at Niagara Falls are perhaps the greatest energizer of all? If this interests you, then listen up! It may not be just because of the excitement of getting married and all the joys that come with it that couples honeymoon at Niagara Falls, but maybe there's something possibly even greater than getting married, and that is to do with the negative ion charges that exist at Niagara Falls and other places similar to it.

Negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy.

Conversely, the areas that we should watch out for are those where there is a lot of smoke or smog in the air, computer terminals, fluorescent lighting, air conditioning, and modern building materials, all of which generate an overabundance of positive ions.

The bottom line to living a healthy and happy life really has everything to do with the way we choose to live and where we choose to live.

In essence, we must Think Nature First.

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