Thursday, March 4, 2010

Does Your Face Hurt?

Soooo... I have one question to ask; Does your face hurt? Whelp, it IS killing me !!

I say back to her as a coloquialism. And, with tongue in cheek. 'Cause it IS in fact killin' me.

What all this in essence means is that I got a major boo boo on my face, because for some reason I slipped and banged up my eye to the point that it is so black and blue that I can't even open my eye to greet the day. Nor, can I see out of my right eye at all.

So, that is the beginning of my story about yesterday and the headache and black eye that I proudly wear, much as I did not want anything of the sort to happen.

But, we must remember to think in the positive. Therefore, I decided that I could write a little ditty about how there's always the positive and the negative to every situation. Do you want the good news or the bad news? Which do you want to hear, I say to my dearest friend.

I would always respond with, I want the good news; except for the fact that I have one blazing black eye, I'm not so sure now which I would prefer. Yikes! I am NOT enjoying my black eye, but I am enjoying the humor that it is striking out before me.

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