I'd like to introduce the ladies who help me produce my blog each week. They have become my dearest friends and confidants. I gladly present the ladies to you, my faithful audience.
Jennifer, April, Debra and Estee; these are the woman that help me thru this process.
I realize that one of my blogs last week was very serious. It was very difficult to write, but I think it was an important one. My mentor in this reminds me how important it is for me to tell the truth as I see it, even though at times the truth is very painful to write about.
There are times when my blogs seem very blaze', subdued and unimportant. Then there are times when I feel like I'm really on to something. There are difficult blogs and there are funny blogs. There are times when I just want to post beautiful flowers that make my heart sing. Then, there are times when I feel more serious and I can only speak of how heavy my heart is feeling.
I suppose that what this speaks of, is just a mirror of life. Life can be a big bowl of flowers and it can be a big bowl of caca poopoo. And, that's just the way it is.
Sounds like a song doesn't it? Oh Yes!! It IS a song. Remember Bruce Hornsby? He sang Mandolin Rain and That's Just the Way it Is.
Write in if you like Bruce Hornsby and want to see him come back to Maui again. We'll let him know.
Stay Tuned.
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