Saturday, February 12, 2011

Have an Angelicly Delightful Valentine's Day

What kind of Valentine are you? Are you the kind of Valentine that's romantic, filled with thoughts of love and romance? Or, might you be the kind of Valentine who doesn't speak out but rather sends out quiet messages of sweetness and kindness? Have you ever really thought about what kind of Valentine that you are? Or might you think this a ridiculous proposition? Could this be a rhetorical question for you or does it really hit home as to who you feel that you are today?

I believe that what I'm really questioning is what gives you pause to think deeply about romance and love. At this Valentine's Day time, I am thinking about the importance of sending thoughts of love and aloha and all that is lovely in this world. Essentially anything that you feel is beautiful, lovely, kind, and filled with magic potions of love. There are so many luxurious things in this world to tantalize our senses. For our olfactory sense, there are such scents as gardenia, pikake, tuberose, and other gardenly delights. For our mouths, there is chocolate, both light and dark, sweet candies, heavenly fruits, lilikoi creme brulee, and other sensual desserts.

In conclusion, Valentine's Day can and maybe should be thought of in terms of whatever gives you joy and deep pleasure. This could be as simple as a delicate flower or as loving as a savored kiss. And thusly, I bid you my intrepid reader to live life fully, lovingly, and embodying everything in this life that is good, thoughtful, and graceful.